
Rebekah Steely Brooker, President |
Dustin M. Howell, Chair |
Baili B. Rhodes, Secretary |
John W. Shaw, Treasurer |
C. Barrett Thomas, President-elect |
Priscilla D. Camacho, Chair-elect |
Kristy Blanchard, Immediate Past President |
Amanda A. Abraham, District 1 |
Sharesa Y. Alexander, Minority At-Large Director |
Raymond J. Baeza, District 14 |
Aaron J. Burke, District 5, Place 1 | ||
Aaron T. Capps, District 5, Place 2 |
D. Lance Currie, District 5, Place 3 |
Laura W. Docker, District 10, Place 1 |
Andrew Dornburg, District 21 | ||
John W. Ellis, District 8, Place 2 | ||
Zeke Fortenberry, District 4 | ||
Bill Gardner, District 5, Place 4 |
Morgan L. Gaskin, District 6, Place 5 |
Nick Guinn, District 18, Place 1 | ||
Adam C. Harden, District 6, Place 6 |
Amber L. James, District 17 |
Curtis W. Lucas, District 9 |
Rudolph K. Metayer, District 8, Palce 1 | ||
Laura Pratt, District 3 |
Sally Pretorius, District 8, Place 2 | ||
Baili B. Rhodes, District 2 |
Alex B. Roberts, District 6, Place 3 |
Eduardo Romero, District 19 | ||
Michelle P. Scheffler, District 6, Place 2 | ||
John W. Shaw, District 10, Place 2 |
Nicole Soussan, District 6, Place 4 | ||
L. Brook Stuntebeck, District 11 | ||
C. Barrett Thomas, District 15 |
Judge Amanda N. Torres, Minority At-Large Director | ||
Shannon Steel White, District 12 |
Brandy Wingate Voss, District 13 | ||
Veronica S. Wolfe, District 18, Place 2 | ||
Baylor Wortham, District 7 |
Alex Yarbrough, District 16 | ||
Justice Paul W. Green, Supreme Court Liaison |
Travis Patterson, ABA/YLD District 26 Representative |
Assistant Dean Jill Nikirk, Law School Liaison |
Belashia Wallace, Law Student Liaison |

TYLA Office
Tracy Brown, Director of Administration
Bree Trevino, Project Coordinator
Michelle Palacios, Office Manager
General Questions: tyla@texasbar.com
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 12487, Capitol Station
Austin, Texas 78711-2487
(800) 204-2222 ext. 1529
FAX: (512) 427-4117
Street Address
1414 Colorado, 4th Floor
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 427-1529
Views and opinions expressed in eNews are those of their authors and not necessarily those of the Texas Young Lawyers Association or the State Bar of Texas.

Health Tips for Young Lawyers

Dallas Fair Park Run Supports Pro Bono Efforts
Young lawyers in the Dallas area can support efforts to provide free legal services to indigent Texans by participating in the Family Law Cares Pro Bono 5K Fun Run and Walk to be held Sunday, November 10, at Fair Park in Dallas.
Those who want to participate can click here and register for the event. The registration fee prior to race day is $20. On-site registration is $25 and begins at 7:30AM that morning. The fee for runners up to 14 years of age is $15. Each entrant receives a fun run tee shirt and other giveaway items. Runners are advised to arrive prior to the 8:30AM race start time.
Those running for a law firm will also compete for the coveted Golden Gavel, awarded to the law firm that has the three fastest cumulative times. The festive race atmosphere will also include Dunk-A-Judge, a dunking booth in which participants pay to knock a local judge into the water. Although the race is the brainchild of the Family Law Section of the State Bar of Texas and its chair, Houston family lawyer Sherri Evans, non-family lawyers, non-lawyers, family members, friends, and colleagues are encouraged to take part.
“Improving the delivery of pro bono legal services is the business of lawyers from all practice areas as well as non-lawyers across the state,” Sherri says. “Family Law Cares was created to organize and coordinate these efforts. Many fine lawyers and legal organizations are working to alleviate the problem of access to the courts for the poor of this state. Our job is the help these efforts connect with the people who need the service.”
In 2011, more than 58,000 Texas families qualified for free legal services, but only about 20% of those families were served due to problems connecting clients and lawyers.
“The Family Law Section only has 6,000 members, and that’s not enough people to handle all the cases,” Sherri says. “The entire State Bar, though, is more than 90,000 members, so if each member was available to take a case, that would solve the problem.”
More than half of the outstanding cases are divorce or other family law matters. Family Law Cares is meant to attract veteran lawyers, young lawyers, and law students to volunteer to take one or more cases. Representatives of a legal service provider will be present at the race to assign cases to those who want to volunteer for pro bono.
Sponsors of the race represent many different practice areas and include the Law Firm of Cindi Barela Graham; Connatser Family Law; David, Goodman & Madole; Diana S. Friedman, PC; Farrow-Gillespie & Heath, LLP; Fuller Mediations; Geary, Porter & Donovan; Godwin Lewis; GoransonBain; Grau Law Group, PLLC; Higdon, Hardy & Zuflacht, LLP; Johnston-Tobey, PC; Kinser & Bates, LLP; KoonsFuller; McCurley, Orsinger, McCurley, Nelson & Downing, LLP; Pro Solutions Group; Raggio & Raggio; Wendy Ward Roberts & Associates; WhitleyPenn; and Your Critter’s Best Friend.
For more information on the run and walk, go to www.familylawcares.com and click on the fun run navigation button or the center graphic.