Editor's Column

Editor's Column

TPP, NATO, the Supreme Court of the United States, Black Lives Matter, All Lives Matter, immigration, national debt, national security, jobs, environment, entitlements, Syria, emails, walls. By now, you have heard about all of these issues. You listened to the candidates state their respective positions. You heard their plans to help America. At this point, it’s all over but the crying. Well … almost. There is still that “voting” thing.

Election Day is November 8. Voting is one of the greatest rights we have as citizens of the U.S. We have the right to participate in selecting those who will lead our country and make decisions that will impact this Earth far beyond our lifetime. I have my opinion as to who would be best qualified to lead us for the next four years. I’m sure you do, too. The question is: Will you make that preference known?

Regardless of the candidate with whom you most align, know that every vote is important. Put aside the thought that your vote has no value simply because you live in an area that heavily leans to one of the major parties. If everyone with that same mindset votes, the cumulative effect could alter what you thought you knew was inevitable. Plus, voting entitles you to complain about the people that end up making decisions that affect our future; not voting, on the other hand, means you should keep your opinion to yourself.

I know this is a bit dramatic. But the message is one I hope you heed. Vote. Vote in this election and every local, state, and national election in the future. Because your vote matters.        

Enjoy the issue,

Views and opinions expressed in eNews are those of their authors and not necessarily those of the Texas Young Lawyers Association or the State Bar of Texas.

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