Access To Justice Commission Update

Represent a Pro Bono Client and Get MCLE Credit
By:  Hannah Silk Kapasi

Did you know that you can receive up to five hours of MCLE credit by participating as either a mentor or a mentee when handling a pro bono case?

Let’s say you want to obtain more experience in family law cases. Accept a case through an approved legal aid program, be matched with a mentor expert in family law, and you both will help a poor person in need of legal services while working towards meeting your MCLE requirements.

The program allows you to receive up to five hours of participatory, including one hour of ethics, CLE credit. Once you have accrued your hours, request an application for MCLE credit by sending an email to

For further mentoring opportunities in your area, look into the Transition to Practice program. Some local bars around the state are duplicating the Transition to Practice program, established by former State Bar President Roland Johnson. The program matches newly licensed attorneys with seasoned mentors. The pairs meet monthly for CLEs or one-on-one meetings to discuss issues relating to maintaining a successful law practice.

For great opportunities to be mentored, log onto and take a pro bono case today!