Feature TYLA Project

Feature TYLA Project

How to Get a Job After Law School: The Unclassified Story
Presented by the TYLA Law Student Outreach Committee


1. To arrange or organize according to class or category.

2. To designate as confidential, secret, or top secret.

Were you a law student who didn’t have the grades to participate in the On-Campus Interviewing process? Do you know a law student who is unable to find a job but who is at the top of her class? Do law students approach you asking what the “secret” is to finding employment upon graduation in 2011? Then “How to Get a Job After Law School: The Unclassified Story” is the lunch spot for law students who attend Texas Southern University Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Baylor University School of Law, Texas Tech University School of Law, or Texas Wesleyan University School of Law.

The Law Student Outreach (“LSO”) Committee for the Texas Young Lawyers Association is pleased to present a luncheon seminar this spring semester at four law schools across Texas to discuss creative and innovative ways in which law school graduates can land a job after graduation. Attorneys representing multiple practice areas across Texas will offer guidance in a laid-back open forum that will encourage students to dialogue with attorneys and learn how they found their way into their first job out of law school.

If you are a practicing attorney who is interested in sharing your story during this one-hour seminar as a panel speaker, please contact one of the chairs of the LSO Committee at khayden@cozen.com; daren.brown@sprouselaw.com; mdeadman@deadmanlaw.com; kburris@cordelllaw.com; kimberlysmithlaw@gmail.com. If you know of a student who would benefit from this program, please have them contact the Career Services Offices at Texas Southern University Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Baylor University School of Law, Texas Tech University School of Law, or Texas Wesleyan University School of Law for more details.

As of this TYLA e-News issue, “How to Get a Job After Law School: The Unclassified Story” will take place on February 15, 2011 at Texas Tech and on March 2, 2011 at Texas Wesleyan. We look forward to presenting at all four law schools and assisting students in navigating their way into this competitive legal market…because how to get a job after graduating with a J.D. shouldn’t be a secret.